TV Series Review: The Legend of Vox Machina (2022)

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The first three episodes of The Legend of Vox Machina were just released on Amazon Prime Video. The show is based on the first campaign of “Critical Role”; a Dungeons and Dragons live play podcast and twitch stream. So far three episodes have been released; it is difficult to judge whether or not the show is good, but it seems to be heading in the right direction.

I am a fan of the animation, the voice acting is great as was expected, and the music score is amazing. The fight scene music, for example, elevates the combat to epic levels. I love the violent and adult tone this show takes on. Lots of people die and the show does not hide adult themes. There is nudity, sex, and lots of drinking. I would argue that it would be impossible to tell this story without addressing any of these themes.

My only complaint with this show is the fan service. It isn’t bad. This show only exists because there was enough interest from the fans. It is only natural for a show like this to have fan service because it is a sign of gratitude. My problem is that I worry the fan service might be alienating for those who aren’t familiar with “Critical Role.” There are jokes, characters, and scenes that won’t make sense without some knowledge of the source material. There is a random character in this show who mumbles and shows up a few times that looks like Matt Mercer. His presence isn’t problematic, but people who don’t know who he is will gloss over his presence as a random character who just exists.

The show also requires some knowledge of 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons.” Understanding the rules help understand how magic works or explains why some scenes play out the way they do. Having an understanding of both the show and the rules of the game help provide a more meaningful experience, although it isn’t necessarily required. I feel that there are enough of these references to issue a warning. Keep in mind that this show is written for a specific type of fan.

This show is character-focused. The plot and its development rely heavily on character action and growth. The story is based on a game where the players drive the narrative so it makes sense that the focus is on the characters. These characters are not perfect. They are rude, selfish, and famously unpopular. I love that they fail consistently; it allows them to grow and develop as heroes. The characters start the show flawed and that is okay because they grow. They are not the same characters by the end of the third episode, although there is a lot of room for improvement.

So far, this is a pretty cool animated series. It is adult and gory; be warned if that doesn’t appeal to you. I fear that the fan service might prove a bit alienating to the uninitiated, but the story is solid enough to be watchable. You will need to do a bit of research to understand certain moments in the show, but you will be fine without it. It is a pretty solid show if you like Dungeons and Dragons. As a fan of the first campaign, I’m enjoying it so far.

10 thoughts on “TV Series Review: The Legend of Vox Machina (2022)”

  1. Dave Clark – D&D player & DM, Renton-born Sounder, #DefiantlyTacoma broadcaster, flavor nerd, Army Vet, Cascadian, positivity powered by 311 he/him. Storyteller at,, and
    Dave Clark says:

    You cool if I reblog this? I was going to review the show, but you hit 85% of what I was going to say and added even more.

  2. robertscribbler – I'm a progressive novelist, non-fiction writer and emerging threats expert. I've served 8 years in the combat arms, spent 3 years as a police officer, and spent 3 years as Editor, Emerging Threats for Jane's Information Group. I've spoken at over 250 events for schools nationwide. I've written two fantasy novels in the "Luthiel's Song" series and a climate justice based book called "Growth Shock." My current project is Helkey which can be found at Scribbler's Fantastical Workshop. My other wordpress blog -- robertscribbler -- is dedicated to supporting causes and spreading information and analysis that advance environmental, social and economic justice. Please feel free to contact me if you believe your cause would benefit from my written advocacy or if you need expert trends analysis in one of these key areas.
    robertscribbler says:

    Excellent review! I really fell in love with the first episodes of this series.

      1. robertscribbler – I'm a progressive novelist, non-fiction writer and emerging threats expert. I've served 8 years in the combat arms, spent 3 years as a police officer, and spent 3 years as Editor, Emerging Threats for Jane's Information Group. I've spoken at over 250 events for schools nationwide. I've written two fantasy novels in the "Luthiel's Song" series and a climate justice based book called "Growth Shock." My current project is Helkey which can be found at Scribbler's Fantastical Workshop. My other wordpress blog -- robertscribbler -- is dedicated to supporting causes and spreading information and analysis that advance environmental, social and economic justice. Please feel free to contact me if you believe your cause would benefit from my written advocacy or if you need expert trends analysis in one of these key areas.
        robertscribbler says:

        It gets better with the new three episodes.

  3. eileenot69 – I have been a massage therapist and life coach since 2006. I love helping people create the changes in themselves that allow them to pursue and live the life of their dreams. I have found, through my work, when the mental, emotional and spiritual is addressed in each person, the physical pain and dysfunction becomes easier to correct. I am ready to take what I have learned and continue to learn and share it beyond my office space.
    eileenot69 says:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this new series. I am familiar with Vox Machina through my son who is a big fan. He will of course love it knowing all the characters and story lines. Hoping as they move forward that they will help those new to the stories and characters to not feel left out. It would be a shame to miss out on gaining new followers because they didn’t “get it”. Looking forward to watching the series with my son when I get home from my travels (if he can wait that long).

    1. Oh if you watch it with your son you won’t feel left out. I’m sure he can explain anything you might miss. Even without his help, you’ll understand the show but there are certain moments that might not make sense unless you are a fan or play dnd. This show has a more adult and violent tone than critical role so be prepared for that. Thanks for reading!

  4. Before your review, I was toying with the idea of looking for some good anime. Believe it or not I am HUGE Bleach fan so I am looking to check this out!!! Thanks for the review.

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