I was sent a copy of Myth of Empires for free to review for my blog. While I am very grateful for the opportunity, I won’t let it sway my opinions. This will be my honest review. If you enjoy my reviews, please leave a like, comment, and share this with your friends. Don’t forget to follow the socials!

myth of empires screenshot

What is Myth of Empires?

Myth of Empires is a beautiful open-world survivor sandbox game out on Steam. It gives players the absolute freedom of a sandbox with the promise of epic PvP battles. Gather your resources, build your base, work together to defend against enemy players, and build the Empire that will dominate them all.


myth of empires screenshot

Myth of Empires features massive maps filled with content. Players start the game with a blank character. Slowly, they’ll gather resources, level their character, and build their empire. The game does have a hunger mechanic, but it isn’t as punishing as something like Don’t Starve. The game gives players the freedom to enjoy the content they want by creating PvE and PvP-specific servers. I don’t really like PvP in these kinds of games, and I appreciate it when I have the option to enjoy a chill survival game.

The game offers beginner friendly settings and a tutorial to help ease new players into the game and its mechanics. Unfortunately, there is a bit of griefing that occurs, but that is to be expected with games of this genre. There are options for solo play, but you’ll need to have your own server. 


myth of empires screenshot

Myth of Empires is a beautiful game. I love all the detail that went into making this game look so good from the way the wind moves the plants to the way the sun creeps over the mountains. I dig the aesthetic of the world from the weapons and armor to the structures. The character creation has a decent amount of options, and the character design is pretty cool. This game is going to make your computer hot, but it’s going to look amazing if it can render everything. 

myth of empires screenshot

Unfortunately, I found the gameplay disappointing. While I did enjoy the survival aspect of the game like gathering, hunting, and crafting, the combat system in this game needs some work. The swings feel wild and clunky, and the hitboxes are weird. Fights are decided by who can land the first hit, and it is frustrating. I didn’t even try PvP because the system frustrated me so much. Maybe it isn’t so bad in more experienced hands, but Enshrouded does it better. 

Another issue I had with the game was the gathering. While it starts as a relaxing experience, the busy environment made it difficult to see what I was gathering. Eventually, I would just run around the map spamming the gather button in the hopes I was picking up materials I needed.

myth of empires screenshot

The biggest issue people have with this game is the griefing. I didn’t experience any when I played, but I also tried to pick empty servers to get a feel for the rest of the mechanics. If you do get into this game, bring some friends. 

Another issue people will have with this game is the grind. Myth of Empires feels slower and more grindy than other sandbox games I’ve played. I enjoyed it for the first hour, but it started to feel repetitive. Joining a more populated server might remedy this, but I rather be playing Enshrouded

It’s difficult to recommend this game because while it looks pretty, there are games that do this better. The only reason to get Myth of Empires is for the massive PvP battles it promises, but that doesn’t seem possible at the moment. Maybe it will get there with enough support, but I don’t have the time to wait for that future. If you like the aesthetic, have the friends to back you up, and don’t mind the grind, go for it. Otherwise, you have better options. 

You can pick up Myth of Empires on Steam for $49.99.