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I’ve always enjoyed the village builder genre a bit more than I should. I can lose weeks playing a good village builder, and I will always recommend the genre to those looking for a casual and relaxing experience with enough of a challenge to stay engaging. I typically do my best to avoid titles in the genre because of how much time I end up spending on them, but I like to keep my eye out for what’s available just in case.

I’ve been eyeing The Wandering Village for a while now, but I have been strong enough to not pull the trigger. The art is cute, the music score is nice, and the gameplay is what I’d expect from a cute and casual village builder. Now is a great time to get into the game because it is now available on Game Pass for both Xbox and PC, and it is getting its biggest update since its release. Players will now have access to the ocean which introduces a new biome, mechanics, and structures. If you are looking for a cute and casual entry into the village builder genre, it might be worth looking into The Wandering Village. 

If you don’t have Game Pass, you can pick it up on Steam for $24.99. It’s currently on sale for. I just got my review code and will post a review as soon as I get back from vacation.