Update: Yon can now preorder the book if you missed the kickstarter.

I’ve been running my Dragonbane campaign for a couple of months now, and have been impressed with the system. With my campaign coming to a close, I’ve written a more detailed review that you should read if you want to know more about the system.

As I was prepared to move on to a different system, I came across an interesting Kickstarter Dragonbane adventure: Shadow Over Gloomshire. The campaign is fully funded, and with ten days left on the campaign, I thought it deserved more exposure. 

If you enjoy these updates, please leave a like, comment, follow, and share this with your friends. Don’t forget to back the Kickstarter!

What is Shadow Over Gloomshire?

Shadow Over Gloomshire is a Gothic horror prewritten adventure for Dragonbane. It features unique hand drawn art, maps, and it introduces 2 new classes: Paladin and Monster Hunter. There are also role tables, a new location, and descriptions to help get things moving.

shadow over gloomshire paladin and monster hunter dragonbane
Two new professions. Work in progress

I’d love to play a malard kin paladin or a wolf kin monster hunter.

The temple. Once a place of worship, now home to twisted evil. Work in progress

You find yourself stranded in the remote village of Gloomshire. It’s a haunting place full of strange and frightening dangers lurking in the shadows. Travel through a haunted forest, investigate a creepy mansion, and embark on a spooky adventure I’m sure you’ll never forget.

Minerva, Cleric of Light. By FukamiHB
Stygian wolf by John Bilodeau
Demonic artifacts by Melker Holmgren


If you like gothic horror, it definitely seems like it has the right flavor. I am a huge fan of the artwork, and for $11, it doesn’t seem like a bad deal. There is always a risk in backing Kickstarters, but Robin Fjärem has a few other projects under his belt, so it seems pretty reputable.

You can pick up a copy of the Shadow Over Gloomshire adventure PDF for $11, or a booklet and PDF for $20 which isn’t bad for an adventure.

I like running my own adventures, but it’s always nice to take a break and build off what other people have come up with. We always end up going off script, but it is always nice to have things like role tables, encounters, and loot at the ready. I think its a pretty cool project, but go check the Shadow Over Gloomshire Kickstarter and see for yourself!