I was sent a free copy of STARNAUT to review for my blog. While I am very grateful for the opportunity, I won’t let it sway my opinions. This will be my honest review. If you enjoy these reviews, please leave a like, comment, and share this with your friends. Don’t forget to follow the socials. 

starnaught screenshot


STARNAUT is a unique action roguelike out now on Steam early access. Starnaut travels the multiverse in search of Omega rockets full of memories in the hopes of resurrecting a dead earth. Before their demise, the people of Earth sent off rockets full of their memories in hopes they would find salvation. How many memories can you collect? Will you be Earth’s salvation?


Take control of a STARNAUT you upgrade as you fight off endless waves of enemies, explore trippy environments, and collect Omega ships. The game starts slow as the player fights off manageable waves of enemies. Weapons in this game auto-attack. You can punch and shoot enemies, but I prefer playing it like your typical top-down bullet hell. The longer you play a level, the harder it becomes. Plan accordingly! 

Players earn coins by killing enemies or breaking gotcha pon capsules and use these coins to buy powerups. The powerups matter, so buy carefully. I never felt like I needed a guide, but the game rewards careful planning. By the time you get to the end of a level, or die, its going to be longer than you expected. 


I almost gave up on STARNAUT, but I am glad I didn’t. STARNAUT has a very slow start, but I urge people to power through. Once this game gets going, it’s hard to put it down. I lost all sense of time as I theorized my build and fought like hell to stay alive. 

I wasn’t the biggest fan of the artwork going into this game. The game feels like a random collection of assets swarming toward your little Starnaut, but it slowly grew on me. The rough mismatched aesthetic gives the game its charm and flavor. By the end of my session, the chaos, the music, and the action all came together into a beautiful experience I couldn’t put down. STARNAUT is a good time worth every penny. If you’re looking for a game that isn’t a huge commitment but will challenge you, get STARNAUT. I know it is still in early access, but the game needs more love and support. 

You can pick up your copy of STARNAUT on Steam for only $7.99.